In the early Republican period, the parma was the type of shield that would have been used by the lowest ranks of soldiers.
At that time, parma simply meant shield, and could come in a variety of sizes and shapes.
In later times, the form shown here evolved as a practical defence for the soldier who carried the Standard because carrying the larger more common scutum would have been awkward. Each legion carried a single Standard which was of extreme importance. Thus, the ability for the Standard Bearer to defend himself was of paramount importance.
This shield requires some assembly for ease of shipping. You will need to attach the boss with four screws (included) and cover with the brass caps provided.
Diameter: 617mm
Center Hole Diameter: 112mm
Grip Dimentions: 29mm x 30mm
Boss Depth: 67mm
Boss Thickness: 18 gauge
Thickness: 12mm
Weight: 2845g
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