Replica Coins

Replica historical coins of Europe. Our collection includes coins from the ancient era to the medieval world. Use them to enhance your impression or just to collect.

£25.75 £18.39
A cultural historical journey illuminated by some of the most significant coins minted during the reigns of the most important roman emperors....
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£25.75 £18.39
A cultural historical journey illuminated by some of the most significant coins minted during the reigns of the most important roman emperors....
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£2.10 £1.58
This coin came from Italy during the rule of Conrad the third and is called Genoa. It was in use during 1139 to 1152. It has a castle gate on the...
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£3.65 £3.00
Note: this is a replica and not an original coin. Our coin is a copy and is not made of gold. In some rare cases the stamping is not perfect. The Triple...
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