The Sugarloaf Helmet is a full face helmet that is a cross helmet between the heaume and the bascinet where the skull of the helmet was pointed like a bascinet, and the sides enclosed like a heaume. The tall, pointed top offered a much better glancing surface than the older flat-tops, allowing blows from a sword, mace or axe to be harmlessly deflected.
They were worn until the third quarter of the century, when the visored bascinet emerged as dominant. Sugarloafs were often adorned with a cross of brass, bronze or latten across the front and decorated with torses and mantles, especially since they were frequently worn in tournaments and in jousts.
Circumference at Widest Point: 670mm (external)
Weight: 1.7kg
Thickness: 1.2mm carbon steel
Combat Rating: 6.5 out of 10